Cards that have the same name and same ability text but differ in some other way are still considered to be the same card for deck construction. Decks may contain no more than three copies of each card, identified by the card name in combination with the function of the card. A player’s BakuCores must match the six BakuCore indicators on their Bakugan Character cards. Before playing, each player is required to have three Bakugan toys along with their Character cards, six BakuCores, and a deck consisting of exactly 40 cards. The following rules apply to the full version of the Bakugan game consisting of two players. Maximus Dragonoid – “If you control Dan Kouzo, Wynton Styles, and Lia Venegas, you win the game.”. In all cases, the text should read, “this costs 3 (Energy icon) less to play.” Titan Nillious Ultra in some cases is missing a “3” before the Energy icon in its text. Titan Nillious text is changed from, “Titan Haos Fangzor.” to, “this.”.
Hyper Gortion Ultra’s name is intended to be, “Hyper Gorthion Ultra” and played with the Darkus Gorthion Ultra Character card.Diamond Fangzor, despite the toy paint, is intended to be played with the Pyrus Fangzor Character card.All Flow text is changed from, “ Flow: If you played another card this turn,” to, “ Flow: If this is not the first card you played this turn,”.For game rules that can be used for learning the basics of the game. The rules in this document are intended for advanced players seeking to further understand the details of how the game works. Please see the rulebook included in the Starter Pack to get brawling right away! BAKUGAN BRAWL! It's great to reference for any questions you may have, but it's not a quick and easy read.
Hey Brawlers! The rules in this document are intended for advanced players seeking to further understand the details of how the Bakugan Battle Planet Trading Card Game (TCG) works.