“I’ve been looking up Nightmare Moon for some time. She gave a sigh and started talking, walking as she did. Twilight knew at that moment she had to come clean. “Simmer down, Sally, she ain’t a spy, but she definitely knows something, right, sugarcube?” “How did you know about Nightmare Moon? Are you a spy?!”Īpplejack pulled her back. “And where do you think you’re going?” Rainbow Dash challenged aggressively. She quickly went over to the library, gathering the things she had known she would need for this, tucking Spike in bed before going to the front door, only to be confronted by the five ponies she had encountered the previous day. She disappeared back into the starry cloud, leaving the room and a crowd of panicked ponies behind, with Twilight in hot pursuit. Remember this, ponies: I hope you enjoyed your precious sun, because from this moment forth, the night shall last forever!” Nightmare Moon seemed genuinely - and pleasantly - surprised. Twilight called out, almost on instinct: “I know who you are, and I know what you’re here to do! You’re the Mare in the Moon - Nightmare Moon! And I know you’re here to stop the daytime from coming ever again!” “Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” “Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?” Pinkie Pie (as Twilight learned her name was from Fluttershy earlier that night) started chattering again, but was silenced with an apple in her mouth, also from Applejack (Twilight had to admire her ability to keep them restrained). It’s been quite a long time since I’ve been able to see your precious little sun-loving faces.” Rainbow Dash called out a challenge, but was held back (somehow) by Applejack holding onto her tail. “Well well well,” the alicorn said, her voice silencing the room. Not even Celestia, the only other really known alicorn in Equestria, had those kind of eyes. Her eyes were the most striking feature on first sight, being slit like a snake’s rather than round like a pony’s eyes. After a few moments of panic, a moving cloud of stars came into the room, then settled into the place where Celestia was supposed to appear, materializing into a night-black alicorn mare wearing royal garb made of galaxies. Inevitably, it was discovered that the princess wasn’t present at all, causing a bit of a stir. Fluttershy even noticed, but due to her position she couldn’t fly over to help calm her nerves. Twilight, knowing what was coming, couldn’t listen to the opening speech the mayor gave to introduce the princess, only looking around her for any sign of something wrong.